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We Help Make (little) Disciples Who Plant The Church

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check-in desk so we can update your

information. Thank you!

New Here?

WELCOME! We are so excited to get to know you and your family better!

Please fill out this form so we can get a head start on getting your

children registered. When you arrive at FCC, follow the signs to KidZone

and hand this form to our friendly check-in volunteers!!

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We believe that parents have the primary responsibility in the discipleship training of their children. KidZone is here to reinforce and support the parents in their journey of raising up young followers of Christ through quality teaching and curriculum. All of our Children's Ministry programs are located in the secured KidZone area of FCC. All of our KidZone staff had background checks completed and are people who love God, children, and are called to serve.


Nursery is offered for children ages birth through 4 yrs during both the 8:30 and 11:00 services and Sunday School Hour. The Nursery team is dedicated to providing a God-focused, happy, healthy, and safe environment for the children in its care.

0-6 Month Room

7-23 Month Room

2&3 Yr Room

Sunday School is offered for kids 4K-3rd Grade during our Sunday School Hour: 10-10:45am. Using The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum, students look at the big picture of God's story—the story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Each week, kids follow a chronological timeline of Bible events, all the while learning how each story points to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Kindergarten & 1st Grade

2nd & 3rd Grade

The Armory is the place for kids in 4th & 5th Grade during our Sunday School Hour: 10-10:45am! There they use the Forged: Faith Refined curriculum to sharpen their worldview according to biblical principles. As preteens move toward their teenage years, this class will use the Bible to help refine their faith and prepare them to understand and interact with the world around them with a biblical worldview all while preparing them for the transition to our youth group.

4th & 5th Grade

Children’s Church is offered for kids 4K-1st Grade during both the 8:30 and 11:00 service. Students will participate in Kids Worship, Bible memorization, and Bible literacy along with fun activities corresponding to the day’s Sunday School lesson from The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum. This will not be the Sunday School class, but a supplement for it.

4K, Kindergarten,

 & 1st Grade


We are thrilled to announce our new and upcoming Special Needs ministry in KidZone. We believe that all individuals are children of God and should have a place in the church to grow in their faith regardless of their own unique abilities. Our hope is to make KidZone a place where children and their families are welcomed and included as full participants in the life of the church and to help our children with special needs know, love, and share the love of Jesus. We are currently engaging and supporting individuals and families through our new Sensory Zone where children can take a break from regular classes to self regulate. We will also offer individual accommodations for children that need to use this room for the entirety of services.



For more information on how to receive support from the Special Needs ministry in KidZone, please click the box below.


For more information on how you can help our ministry GROW, please contact Bobbi Blanchard at


KidZone will now be using 

"The Gospel Project"

for our Sunday morning curriculum. Check out our full 2024-2025 Ministry Plan using our new Education Wing!

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Please contact our Director of Children's Ministry, Bobbi Blanchard at

© 2024 Faith Community Church - New Richmond





1040 Paperjack Dr, New Richmond WI 54017


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